Friday, February 15, 2013

Fashion Week is a Wrap! Time to Focus!

Now that fashion week is over, I can finally settle down and start focusing on building my blog more!

Sorry for keeping you all in limbo, it has been a crazy few weeks for me! Hope this finds you well!

So many shows these last few days have blown my mind. From Marc Jacobs to Jeremy Scott-- every show I have witnessed progressively got more and more intricate and made me want to own literally every piece.

Not to mention the models.. Each designer had the most handsome and beautiful models I've ever seen. I recently discovered that I have a slight crush on Miles McMillan (shh.. it's our little secret-- he's also pictured above wearing Jeremy Scott head to toe.)

As these next few months progress-- check here for everything fashion, to read my occasional rants, and blurbs about pop culture.

This is our year, Valentines! Your support means more to me than you'll ever know! Love you all!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We're totally revamping our blog!

Hey Valentines, I'm so excited to really get this blog started and running! It's been a little over a week since I've made this and already I've got over 10,000 views! CRAZY!

As my brand continues to grow and expand, I just want you all to know how much I appreciate you reading, supporting, and sharing my opinions. Without you and your help, I'd be no where and I'd have nothing.

Some of you may have noticed I say "we're" and "us" throughout my writing, it's a typical writing stance I take.. but for so many of you asking, this blog is run strictly by myself, Kydd Valentine, and these posts and opinions are mine and mine alone. Just thought I needed to clear that up!

As for the future.. be ready to see a lot more fashion and music incorporated into my posts as they are my biggest passions in life-- also look out for more celebrity interviews and style tips from me and the people I admire.

I'm looking forward to what 2013 can bring all of us! Until then, take care and know I'm sending you all much love! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Our interview with celebrity photographer, Max Thompson!

Taking a first glance at Celebrity Photographer, Max Thompson, you see his boyish good looks and his love of art displayed all over his body. (We are such suckers for tattoos! Ha!) We recently were able to talk with him and really get to know the amazing, creative genius that he is!

Tell us some background info.. Age, home town, what you were like as a kid.
I'm 28 years old and I'm from the north SF Bay Area. I was a little trouble maker when I was a kid.

Was photography always a love for you and how did you get into it?
I've always appreciated photography as a craft but getting into it hadn't crossed my mind originally. It was my friends who suggested I buy a camera after they saw some Instagram photos I was goofing around with. I bought my first camera and couldn't put it down.

Did you think you could make a career out of it?
It hadn't occurred to me in the first month or so of owning a camera. I was shooting long exposures of San Francisco and Los Angeles for fun and posting them on Facebook. More and more friends quickly took notice and started asking me to shoot photos of them modeling. It was around that time when I realized where I could go with this.

Who are some of your inspirations? 
Michel Gondry, Andy Warhol, Terry Richardson, to name a few. I get inspired by artists that change the way I look at something.

What was your first big break? What did you learn from it?
It was more like a lot of opportunities growing and leading to bigger ones through networking.  I've learned to keep shooting things when I have ideas, keeping a consistent workflow.

We see you've worked with some pretty big people.. What was it like to work with Jeffree Star? Who was your favorite person to work with?
Jeffree was great to work with. I just recently shot for his clothing line and plan to work with him again soon. As far as favorites go, it's hard to choose. I've met so many rad people.

What is it about photography that captivates your attention so much?
Initially it was how different of an outlet it was from music. I used to play acoustic guitar,  singing at dive bars and coffee shops. In comparison to music, I loved the idea that a camera allowed me to move the spotlight from myself and place it on someone else, but still express my ideas and visions.

Walk us through your creative process.. How do you create such a strong message with such a simple image?
Usually I'll have a vision pop in my head, and I'll call someone up to see if they'd be interested in modeling for it. Ill buy whatever props or clothes needed to bring it to life. If it's a shoot that's more on the fashion end, Ill bounce ideas back and forth with the model on what would look edgy and simple.

Any advice for aspiring artists and photographers out there? 
Shoot what you think looks good. I've learned technique along the way, but it's always instinct that has given me results.
We absolutely appreciate Max taking the time out for this interview.. Kydd's prediction is that you'll be hearing a lot of Max Thompson soon!

We wish you continued success, Max! We're HUGE fans! 

JT's "Suit & Tie" is Number One in 31 countries!

Timberlake fans do not fear.. Justin has made a comeback, and an amazing one at that!

After releasing his first single in six years, “Suit & Tie” featuring Jay-Z, last Monday at midnight, the song has soared to the top spot on iTunes charts in 31 different countries, including United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden, France, and Brazil. In another 54, it is sitting pretty in the Top 10. That’s beyond mind-blowing considering that JT only told the world he was “ready” to release new music just three days before he dropped the single!

Suit & Tie,” which first earned him mixed reviews from fans, also went on to break U.S. radio airplay records: biggest song debut, airplay increase, and the biggest audience increase for a solo artist ever.

And if all that wasn’t enough, the track also gave the singer/songwriter/actor his best first week sales of his career, beating out “SexyBack” with 310,078 digital downloads.

We are so happy to have him back.. he was a huge part to the soundtrack of our childhood! 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Our hottie of the day is Tyler Carter!

The former Woe, Is Me frontman, Tyler Carter is more than just a pretty face..

With his overwhelming R&B vocals (he has vocal qualities that Michael Jackson had) and his amazing creativity.. he had us falling head over heels!

The hottie is about to embark on a country-wide tour with his band Issues (who just happens to be one our favorites as well.)

Perhaps the biggest reason we love him is his balls to the wall attitude, and how he tells it like it is. Regarding an issue that happened at a venue in Nashville over a worker being fired for wearing an "I Support Gay Rights" shirt, Tyler took to Twitter to address it.

The openly bisexual singer/songwriter had this to say..

Tyler, we absolutely love you and what you stand for! Keep making amazing music, you inspire us and so many alike!

Much love and continued success!

The Jonas Brothers-- Not so fan friendly anymore?

We were just like every other teenage girl a few years ago when The Jonas Brothers were the top selling, and most gorgeous boy band around. We absolutely were in love with them! Although lately there's been a couple reports that the boys aren't that fan friendly anymore and Joe, the middle brother, even was reported as being beyond rude!

College student and super Jonas fan, Andy Hertfeld, was with a group of friends late one night in the city when they saw Joe Jonas and some of his close friends. 

Andy claims, "As we were walking closer we saw that he was smoking a cigarette with Blanda, and the minute he saw us walking closer he threw it down. After we approached him, he shook his head no. It was late, which we understood, but my friend asked for a picture anyway. That’s when Joe flipped out on us he said, 'We do so much for you. We do everything and you want a picture? Get out of here.'"

Also Andy's friend took the incident to heart..

"My friend was in tears. One of his friends, a tall girl with short brown hair, started making fun of us. She was going on and on about my friend saying, 'Is he going to cry now?' and Joe just laughed right in our faces." 

Aww.. as upsetting as this whole story is.. Joe needs to wake up and realize it's people like Andy who put him where he is. We understand celebs need space-- but there's a difference between space and being ungrateful. Where is The Biebs when we need him?

Kelly Clarkson and Beyonce hanging out at the Inauguration!

After the two incredible performances these divas put on during Obama's inauguration, it was so cool to see a picture of them hanging out after, congratulating each other on a job well done!

In all the ceremonies we've seen, the music this year was the best. Kelly made Obama tear up and even had the speaker saying "Wow."

Queen Bey had 800,000 people on their feet singing during her rendition of "The National Anthem." Which was soo inspiring!

We want to wish Obama an amazing next 4 years! You've done an incredible job so far, we're looking forward to seeing what you do in this term!