Monday, January 21, 2013

Our hottie of the day is Tyler Carter!

The former Woe, Is Me frontman, Tyler Carter is more than just a pretty face..

With his overwhelming R&B vocals (he has vocal qualities that Michael Jackson had) and his amazing creativity.. he had us falling head over heels!

The hottie is about to embark on a country-wide tour with his band Issues (who just happens to be one our favorites as well.)

Perhaps the biggest reason we love him is his balls to the wall attitude, and how he tells it like it is. Regarding an issue that happened at a venue in Nashville over a worker being fired for wearing an "I Support Gay Rights" shirt, Tyler took to Twitter to address it.

The openly bisexual singer/songwriter had this to say..

Tyler, we absolutely love you and what you stand for! Keep making amazing music, you inspire us and so many alike!

Much love and continued success!

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