Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kydd's Life Post #1-- Gun Control?

She would have stricter gun control? If not, then what's the answer?
I grew up in a small town where hunting and owning a gun is not only a means of survival for some, it's a lifestyle. Gun control is an issue that brings rage out in most.. Whether that rage is coming from a place of needing stricter gun laws or place of leaving gun regulations the same.. It's an issue so many are divided on.

With all the devastating school shootings, mall shootings, and movie theater massacres.. I do firmly believe that we need a change. But how can we make a peaceful change where everyone is happy? Unfortunately I don't believe we can do that. Change is something that is feared in most cultures.. And quite frankly is a fear that I don't understand. If stricter gun laws will still allow you to own a firearm, why not support it?

Yesterday I was watching the news when a press conference came on of President Obama addressing his bill to congress to ban assault rifles and other mass-shooting weapons.. Even he said "I don't think it will pass." Now, don't get me wrong.. I believe people should have the right to own a firearm, but at the same time I don't believe an average, everyday person needs access to an assault weapon.

Now to those who feel like if military type weapons are banned from general use, it'll only be the start of bans-- I get your standpoint and I understand your concerns. But if we all can agree on still allowing firearms without automatic capabilities.. I think we should compromise.

It's an age old argument that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." There's truth to that statement, but if we took away automatic guns-- I believe there would be a lower death count, and all together less shootings. When people hold an assault weapon, I'm sure they get a sense of power knowing the capabilities of it-- take that away and leave them with just a standard weapon-- I don't think we'd have as many mass killings or people thinking they're full of power.

I know we can't stop these types of shootings all together, and it breaks my heart.. But we as people need to help lessen the chances of it. Maybe there should be mental health physicals required before purchasing a weapon? Or maybe a longer clearance time on getting one?

Whatever the answer may be for you, we need to make a difference.. There are too many innocent people and children dying everyday senselessly. Like Gandhi said, "be the change you want to see in the world."

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