Thursday, January 17, 2013

Adele is beyond ready to get back to touring and creating!

Adele at the 2013 Golden Globe Awards
Adele has been one of our favorite musicians to ever walk into our lives.. Rolling in the Deep, Someone Like You, and Set Fire to The Rain have played in our minds nonstop for the last two years.

The "21" singer even won a Golden Globe for best original song titled "Skyfall" for the newest James Bond flick last Sunday night!

When asked if she would reschedule her tour dates after she had to have emergency vocal chord surgery, she said, "Absolutely, absolutely. I was meant to be doing it but then my throat issue happened, so I couldn't do it and then I got knocked up so then I couldn't do it."

We love how she adds humor to every statement.. another reason why she holds our hearts in her hand.
We're so happy you're 100% again, and we love seeing your new Motherly Glow, girl!

No matter when we hear new music, we know it'll be worth the wait! 

Congrats again Adele, on all your success these last couple years and on being a new mother!

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